Auction Fundraiser

The Annual Goods and Services Auction is OPEN!
Auction Bidding Closes April 14 at 4:00pm
Online Auction:
We have, BY FAR, the biggest Auction we have ever had! We wish to thank the amazingly generous and creative folks who have donated to this year’s Auction. Now it’s time to start BIDDING & BUYING!! This Auction is too big for just us – it is officially open to anyone, so tell your friends! One caution, deliveries are only coordinated within Monroe County (with many being brought to Church), so you may need to help your friends get their items. Also, Ann Kamman and Charlotte Appel will be in Fellowship Hall with their trusty computers after service this Sunday to assist anyone who has questions or difficulties with the Auction site. Now let’s get BIDDING!
- How do I win more than one bid at an event? Click here to watch a video on how to make multiple bids.
If you are actively bidding on multiple bids for a given event and do not win them all when the auction closes, please contact Ann or Char. - Can I tell my friends about the Auction? YES!! Anyone can bid on our Auction, but friends only please. We are not officially advertising, except for word of mouth.
- What if my friend from Indy wants to bid – how would delivery work? Deliveries offered by the Donors are for Bloomington or Monroe County only. Many Donors request that you pick up the item from their home. As their friend, you may need to pick up the item for the Winner and then it would be up to them to get the item from you.
- How does delivery work for items that don’t specify details?
When the Auction closes, Donors will receive contact information from the Winners and will contact them on delivery options. Those options may include bringing the item to Church, delivering to your home, or picking up from their home. Times and dates would be determined between the Donor and Winners.