UU Gardeners

If you register for this group, you will receive occasional emails regarding garden and plant related events and activities (garden walks, plant swaps, etc)
Join us every fourth Sunday following the Sunday service for the Gardeners' Gathering. Every type and level of gardener is welcome. We'll share experiences, stories, advice, and maybe plants from time to time. We meet in the courtyard during Community Hour, allowing all a chance to grab coffee. When weather is inclement, we typically meet in Room 112.
I hope you will join us!
Join us every fourth Sunday following the Sunday service for the Gardeners' Gathering. Every type and level of gardener is welcome. We'll share experiences, stories, advice, and maybe plants from time to time. We meet in the courtyard during Community Hour, allowing all a chance to grab coffee. When weather is inclement, we typically meet in Room 112.
I hope you will join us!