Fellowship Dinners
At Fellowship Dinners, you share a potluck meal with a small group of friendly UUs in someone’s home. Once a year you host a group. Single or paired, you are welcome at Fellowship Dinners.

Sign up is now open for 2024-25 Fellowship Dinners!
You can sign up to participate here:https://forms.gle/pQdN87KMYaFGMvjo9
Here are some answers to our most frequently asked questions.
What is a Fellowship Dinner?
Fellowship Dinners are monthly potluck meals with different small groups of friendly UUs in various participant’s homes. Once month out of the year you will be responsible for hosting a group. While it is called a Fellowship Dinner, the shared meal could be a brunch or a afternoon picnic, if that works better for everyone's schedules.
Who should sign up?
If you are interested in getting to know other people in the church, sharing a meal together is a great way to make connections. If you want to hear stories, share laughs, and try new foods, then Fellowship Dinners are right for you.
Single or paired, you are welcome at Fellowship Dinners!
How does it work?
Each month, the Fellowship Dinners coordinator sends a list of guests to the host, who then contacts the guests, establishes a mutually agreed upon date for the meal, and provides the main dish. The guests either volunteer or are assigned the rest of the dishes for the meal: appetizers, salads, vegetables, desserts, beverages, etc.
Fellowship Dinners are focused on just that, fellowship over a shared meal. In fact, the fellowship aspect of the meal is the most valued part of the experience! This is not a gourmet dining club. Pressed for time? Don't like to cook? Bring a dish from a deli or order a pizza!
What if your house and table are small? Some folks with small or distant homes might make arrangements to host in someone else’s (larger, closer) home. Some of you do not have a space that is available/appropriate for hosting a group of any size; the coordinator can help match you up with those of us who feel comfortable providing their home as a venue for those without a space to host the dinner. Anyone acting as a venue provider will then function as a guest. Finally, hosting is an enjoyable experience; however, you don't have to host if you have limitations that cannot be overcome. Let the coordinator know that.
When are Fellowship dinners?
Dinners happen on a monthly basis. If you cannot make every month, you can still sign up! Dinners will start in November/December and continue on through 2025. Please let us know in the sign up form any months you know you cannot make.
I am not sure I am ready for this sort of commitment. Can I just try one month?
Yes! This year we are going to leave space at the table for new people, or people who are not sure Fellowship Dinners are for them. Come give it a try, and if you love the experience, sign up for the whole program!
I have always been interested in Fellowship Dinners, but I have young kids. Are kids welcome?
The Church wants to make Fellowship Dinners accessible to everyone. Some hosts may be able to accommodate having kids join the dinner while others may not be set up to host kids. If a host cannot accommodate having children at the meal and childcare is needed, the Fellowship Dinner coordinator will work with the parents/guardians to see if we can provide childcare, either at the parent/guardian house or at the church. Please provide us information about your needs in the sign-up form.
Coordinator: Abby Gitlitz, fwpdinners@uubloomington.org