Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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March 10, 2024: “The Wisdom of Trees”


Reverend Connie Grant

Dr. Stephanie Kimball

Avram Primack, Worship Associate

We’ll explore some lessons we can all learn from trees.  A multigenerational service.

View the video archive of this service here:

Order of Service

Our order of service is available both here on our website and in print.

Ringing of the World Bell

Congregational Prelude

“Woyaya” Words and music by Loughty Amoa, Solomon Amarfio, Robert M. Bailey, Roy Bedeau, Francis T. Osei, Whendell K. Richardson, and Mac Tontoh, transcribed by Ysaye Barnwell, arr. Jeannie Gagne

Welcome & Announcements

Anabel Watson, Connections Coordinator

Land Acknowledgement

Lighting the Chalice Flame

“As We Kindle this Flame” by Cyntha Landrum

Read by Clara Courtney, Harriet Walz, Reid Walz

Chalice Leaders

Opening Words

Reverend Connie Grant

Opening Hymn

# 194 “Faith is a Forest”


“The Tree in Me” by Corinna Luyken

Chalice Leaders


“Standing Like a Tree” by Betsy Rose

Led by Jill Courtney


“Why I Make a Financial Commitment to UUCB”

Alan Backler


“In a Nutshell” by Joseph Anthony

read by Stephanie Kimball

Pastoral Prayer and Meditation

"You mountains, you forests, you oceans” by Tom Rhodes


“The Memory of Trees” by Enya

Ray Fellman, piano

During the Offertory, you are invited to silently light a candle to represent a joy or sorrow in your life.

You are invited to participate in this morning’s offering by contributing as the basket passes or online at uucb.churchcenter.com/giving. You may make a non-pledge gift or a contribution towards your annual pledge, or both, at that site. This fiscal year, 25% of our non-pledge Sunday offerings will be given to All-Options Pregnancy Resource Center, which provides cloth and disposable diapers/wipes, pregnancy tests, feeding supplies, and other essentials to families in need. See alloptionsprc.org for more information.


“The Man Who Planted Trees”

read by Avram Primack

Musical Interlude

“Through the Trees” by David Tolk


Stephanie Kimball

Gift of Music

“A Repeating Alleluia” by Calvin Hampton

Molly O’Donnell, flute

Ruellen Fessenbecker, song leader

UUCB Choir and Congregation

Susan Swaney, Music Director


"The Wisdom of Trees"

Reverend Connie Grant

Closing Hymn

#44 “We Sing of Golden Mornings”

Extinguishing the Chalice Flame

“Taking the Light With Us” by Heather Christensen


Choral Benediction

“I Am the Change” by Phyllis Wyckliff

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