Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Women's Alliance

Women's Alliance new logo

Encourages companionship, conversation, church and community outreach. All are welcome—men, women, and gender non-binary. We meet at 11:30 am on the first Thursday of each month for church and community outreach in Fellowship Hall.

women's alliance

The Women’s Alliance was founded in 1959, and began managing the annual church Bazaar, build fellowship, and give service and financial support to the church and selected church and community projects, as voted upon by the membership.

The group is open to everyone, and meets the first Thursday of the month at 11:30 am in Fellowship Hall or via Zoom. In-person meetings begin with a brown bag lunch, and beverages and desserts are provided unless otherwise noted. The program starts at noon – with a presentation about a community organization or other interesting topic. This is followed by a brief discussion of Women’s Alliance business. Meetings end at 1 pm.

Annual membership dues are $25, which, along with funds raised from the Gourmet Galaxy during the Bazaar, enable the Alliance to provide year-end holiday gifts to church staff; provide contributions to each program presenter from a registered 501(c)(3) organization; and give support to other important projects and activities.

-September 5-


IU's Heather Calloway will talk about collections at IU.

Upcoming in 2024

-October 3-

There will be a program about voting.

-November 7-

A program regarding gratitude.

-December 12-

Christmas Program.