Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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RISE (Refugee and Immigrant Support and Education) Task Force

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RISE welcomes people from other countries and reaches out to support folks new to our community and form friendships.

Current projects and ways to get involved:


Working with the Fakherduin Family
We have been sponsoring the Fakherduins, from Afghanistan, since Dec 2021. We would love to have more volunteers who would like to help improve the lives of refugees who are new to Bloomington.


Refugee Panel
Arranging for a panel of refugees – to present to the congregation – covering issues such as why they left their homeland, what the journey was like, what were the challenges they faced in the U.S. and what improvements would make the process better

Benefit Concert
Planning a fundraising educational session with immigration lawyer, Christie Popp. Proceeds will go to Bloomington Refugee Support Network (BRSN)


JULY (our Social Justice month)
- Plan the July RISE task force service
- Create bulletin board for July

Book Clubs / Suggested Reading
Organize the reading of books about refugees from our lending library

Explore Immigration Law and Legislation
Figure out how to share this with congregation

Involve our Religious Education team / programs 
in the work of our task force

Want to help lead the RISE Task Force?
Take on a leadership role in the task force - keep track of all of our activities, keeping in mind Support and Education:
- Attend Social Justice meetings
- Find new volunteers
- Treasurer – fundraising – keeping track of expenses
- Put announcements in the monthly newsletter and Friday Update