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Earth Kin

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Earth Kin is UUCB’s Earth-centered spirituality group.

Earth Kin holds Druidic ceremonies at the traditional Celtic cross-quarter points celebrating seasonal transitions: Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain. Earth Kin ceremonies are intended to foster spiritual connection with the Earth by attending to seasonal changes and marking the parallel metaphors between human lives and the natural world.

At Imbolc we celebrate the first stirrings of spring and connected with healing energies. At Beltane, we revel in the literal fertility of the land and the metaphorical fertility of new endeavors. At Lughnasadh we delight in the abundance of the season in the fields and in our lives, expressing gratitude for both. At Samhain we remember and honored our beloveds who have passed, and mark the northern hemisphere’s transition to the dark and fallow time of year.

The source of the rituals has been the Order of Bards, Ovates & Druids, which is based in the UK, modified to suit our local environmental context and the needs of the community.

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