Unitarian Universalist Church of Bloomington, Indiana Seeking the Spirit | Building Community | Changing the World
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Ministerial Transition Process

We are currently in the process of selecting a new settled minister for our congregation. Our Interim Lead Minister during this time is Reverend Connie Grant.

The Ministerial Search Committee (MSC) is excited to share updates with you and get your input! Please explore these pages to learn more about us, the process, and how to participate in it.

You can contact us at search@uubloomington.org.

About Our Search Committee

Ministerial Search Committee group photo

From L to R, bottom row: Ann, Denise; middle row: Von, Mary Beth, Christine; top row: Olaya, Mike

Denise Breeden-Ost (Chair) makes her own hats, writes a lot, and is immeasurably grateful to live among trees. She is a spouse, parent, and Zen student, and works with Women Writing for (a) Change. Denise arrived at UUCB as a teen in the 1980s. Her past involvement includes serving on staff; religious education for children, youth, and adults; Sunday Services Committee; Green Sanctuary Task Force; and Choir.

Christine Banister is a lifelong UU and served on the Minister's Advisory Council and Search Committee for a new DRE at her previous church in Massachusetts. Involvement during her two years at UUCB includes the Habitat Task Force, RE Development Team, and UUCB Parents Group. Outside of church, she is an Architectural Designer with a career in public interest design and service learning. Christine is mom to Cora (age 6) and Nolan (19 months).

Olaya Fernández Gayol is a highly energetic and loud human who is passionate about science, technology, and improving systems. She is from Spain, and works remotely disrupting traditional scientific publishing. She started attending UUCB in the summer of 2022, and is active in the Spanish conversation and piano groups. Most recently she was a member of the Stewardship Team. In her free time, she enjoys cooking/baking, hiking, reading, playing music, and being crafty in general.

Ann Kamman joined UUCB in the early 80s. She’s a second generation UU from Urbana, IL. She has served on our Board of Directors and currently works with the Women’s Alliance, Bazaar, the Auction, Green Grounds, and walks regularly with the Wednesday Walkers. Outside of her UU life, she volunteers with MC-IRIS (Monroe County – Identify and Reduce Invasive Species) and chairs their annual native plant sale. She is a recycling fanatic, has 2 daughters (20 and 22) and 4 cats.

Mike McGregor joined the church in May 2014. Since then he has sung in the choir and participated in various activities including working for the annual Bazaar, delivering auction items during the pandemic, and taking church members to appointments as part of the Caring Committee. He served on the Leadership Cultivation Committee this past year. During his 31-year tenure at Indiana University he served on many search committees, vetting applicants for faculty and administrative positions.

Mary Beth O'Brien loves writing, being outside, and lots of time with friends and family. She is the Creative Director at Women Writing for (a) Change Bloomington. She joined UUCB in 2002, and has been involved with children’s RE, the Green Sanctuary Task Force, mentoring youth, Caring Committee, and volunteering whenever possible. Mary Beth (“MB”) is mom to Auggie (17) and Marina (13) and married to Matt Zink.

Von Welch grew up in UUCB, went away to college and returned in 2011. He served on the UUCB board from 2012 to 2018. He is married to Ruth Aydt since 2004, retired from Indiana University in 2022 as associate vice president for information security, is an amateur woodworker, and serves on the boards of Beacon Inc. and Constellation Stage and Screen.

list-clipart-xl Congregational Survey

Thank you! Over 200 of you completed the Congregational Survey and over 120 of you attended one of the twelve Cottage Meetings we hosted. Your time and input has been incredibly valuable in helping us paint a picture that captures the joys and longings of our congregation.


You may now find our summaries of the survey and the meetings at the links below:

Since we do not need to think alike to love alike, you can imagine the wonderful and diverse thinking we heard. Our strength as a congregation is akin to a quilt with many different perspectives forming a colorful picture. If there is a central image, it would be Sunday services and the community around those events, which are clearly very important to a majority of us. What we each seek from that image varies: challenging sermons, moving music, community hour, inspiration from religions around the world, intergenerational connections, addressing current events, exploration, and so forth. And we surround our focus on Sunday service with various passions: choir, social justice, activism, religious education, Chalice Circles, Humanist/Freethinker discussions, the Bazaar and other fundraising, committee work, Fellowship dinners and other gatherings for community, and more.

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